Thursday, November 28, 2019

Creating Student Engagement in Online Learning Environment

Abstract To contribute to creating and stimulating student engagement in online learning environments, it is important to focus on such factors as the increase of students’ motivation, focus on independent and inquiry-based learning, the active role of instructors, and the usage of contemporary learning management systems in order to organize online learning environments according to the set standards of learner-centered education.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Creating Student Engagement in Online Learning Environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Creating Student Engagement in Online Learning Environment Modern learning environments provide students with a lot of opportunities to develop their potential and contribute to academic performance. Many students who are inclined to improve their education choose online learning courses or distance learning in order to use all the advantages of th e online learner-centered education where instructors perform the role of guides. In spite of the fact that distance learning is popular among students, it is important to pay attention to specific aspects of the student engagement in the online learning environment because distance learning based on online technologies is the rather new approach to the study process and students engagement is one of the most influential challenges. To facilitate student engagement in the online learning environment and contribute to increasing students’ motivation and interest in learning, it is necessary to analyze such factors as students’ attitude to distance learning, management of online learning, and position of a teacher in the process. If face-to-face learning is based on measuring student engagement with the help of focusing on class attendance, the engagement of students in online learning can be measured only with references to their academic performance and online activiti es while posting and participating in online discussions. From this point, the concept of interaction should be also followed in online environments in order to contribute to the student engagement. Duffy and Kirkley state that online learning is the next step to the effective learner-centered education because distance learning provides resources for the inquiry-based learning focused on the students’ achievements and their independent efforts to learn new information and develop new skills (Duffy Kirkley, 2004). As a result, the idea of student engagement should be discussed in relation to students’ readiness to participate actively in online learning in order to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities (Beffa-Negrini, Cohen, Miller, 2002). Student engagement can be facilitated with the help of strategies focused on increasing students’ motivation and confidence.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, changes in relation to student engagement in online learning can be influenced by instructors who develop online courses, choose and prepare the materials, and work out effective schedules. According to Sull, a teacher should provide students with all the opportunities to be active in online learning, and these activities include the focus on responsiveness, online discussions, effective online materials, and active use of electronic devices (Sull, 2013). Teachers regulate student engagement within the classroom environments directly that is why any negative changes in students’ attitudes to the course or their academic performance caused by the decreased engagement can be overcome with the help of effective interaction. Student engagement can be affected with instructors’ responsiveness and readiness to assist (Sull, 2013). Distance learning does not provide such opportunities, and teachers should concentrate mo re on developing successful strategies to evoke students’ interest in the course to stimulate engagement and prevent possible negative outcomes. Academic performance and general success of those students learning online and their engagement in the process depend significantly on the materials used in education to stimulate their motivation, inquiry needs, and critical thinking. It is important to note that rather new learning tools and resources are used within the online learning environments, and instructors can exploit the challenging resources in order to develop effective assignments (Gilbert, 2000). However, students’ confidence depends significantly not only on the approaches to manage online learning but also on students’ enthusiasm and intrinsic motivation. To engage students into online learning, it is necessary to appeal to their inner motives to study because distance learning provides a lot of opportunities for students to learn and do the necessary research independently, while developing critical thinking and other skills (Beffa-Negrini, Cohen, Miller, 2002). One more factor which influences the level of student engagement in distance learning is the management of the systems used to regulate the technical aspects of online learning. Today, there are many systems which regulate the online learning environments according to instructors’ objectives and expected outcomes. Online learning depends on the effective administration of the associated documentation and materials necessary for courses. Different learning management systems are developed to improve the aspects of administration in order to provide students with the high-quality systems which are convenient to use.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Creating Student Engagement in Online Learning Environment specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Contributing to administration of online learni ng, these applications are also important to influence student engagement because different programs function as systems to control students’ online activities and engagement (Beffa-Negrini, Cohen, Miller, 2002; Gilbert, 2000). Moreover, the developed learning management programs can contribute to the online discussions and interactions of instructors and students along with providing the standards to which it is important to orient. Thus, the concept of student engagement is changed with references to the idea of online learning. To create the necessary student engagement, it is important to develop strategies effective for increasing and stimulating students’ motivation and to use contemporary learning management systems in order to organize the process appropriately in relation to the standards of learner-centered education the principles of which are followed in distance learning. References Beffa-Negrini, P. A., Cohen, N. L., Miller, B. (2002). Strategies to mot ivate students in online learning environments. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behaviour, 34(6), 334-340. Duffy, T. M., Kirkley, J. R. (2004). Learner-centered theory and practice in distance education: Cases from higher education. USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Gilbert, S. D. (2000). How to be a successful online student. USA: McGraw Hill Professional. Sull, E. C. (2013). Student engagement in the online classroom. Retrieved from This research paper on Creating Student Engagement in Online Learning Environment was written and submitted by user Sheev Palpatine to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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